From October 23rd to November 1st, Communist Party Secretary Fu Deyin is invited to attend China-Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC) Belt and Road Education Seminar. The topic of this seminar is “expanding cooperative fields, sharing high quality education resources, promoting talents training mode reform, and exploring course, credit and diploma recognition. The seminar is hosted by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Professor Fu Deyin mainly visits Sofia University, Technical University of Sofia in Bulgaria, Transilvania University of Brasov in Romania and University of Zagreb in Croatia. He attends China – Romania Higher Education Rector Forum and China – Croatia Higher Education Institutions Forum. LUFE joined China-Central Eastern European Countries Higher Education Institutions Consortium (CCHEIC) in September, 2017. CEEC Belt and Road Education Seminar will help LUFE to further expand CEEC cooperation partner, explore high quality education resources, promote in-depth cooperation, and improve the ability to serve Belt and Road development. |