Foreign Experts

Recruit Guide

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Recruit Guide

作者: 发布时间:2016-12-22 浏览次数:

Inresponse to the appeal of “The Belt & Road” Initiative, Lanzhou Universityof Finance and Economics joined the Alliance of Universities along the SilkRoad in 2015, reached the “Dunhuang Consensus” and jointly built up One Beltand One Road Allied Think Tank of Universities with the countries along theSilk Road, which aimed to explore a new mechanism for transnational andcross-border talent cultivation and foster highly capable talents possessinginternational perspectives. In order to promote the internationalization levelof talent cultivation and enhance the globalization of specialized courseteaching and learning, our university invites short-term exchange foreignexperts whose specialties are related to our courses during different periodsevery year.


. Theemployment of long-term foreign teachers


1.Qualificationrequirements for long-term foreign teachers

Accordingto the requirements of working in China as foreigners by the National Foreign ExpertsBureau and Gansu Foreign Experts Bureau, before foreign teachers working in ouruniversity they should have the “Working Permit for Foreign Experts” , abidingby Chinese laws and regulations, having good health condition, no criminalrecord in China and abroad. Other conditions are as follows:


1.1 Foreign teachers applying for working at our university should be bornafter 1957, no more than 60 years old. They should have university degree as bacheloror above; more than 5 years of relevant working experience (who are applyingfor language teachers should possess university bachelor degree at least andmore than 2 years of relevant working experience); English language teaching(TESOL) certificate should not be less than 20 hours.

1.2 Foreign teachers’ education background or working areas should be relatedto main specialized courses in our university: Statistics, Accounting, Auditing,Taxation, Finance, Economics, International Economics and Trade, Economic and BusinessManagement, English Linguistics, TESOL and Business Media, etc.

1.3 The foreign teachers’ citizenship or permanent place of residence should begiven priority to English-speaking countries, such as the UK, the UnitedStates, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, etc; The planned to be employedforeign teachers who can speak Chinese in daily communication will be consideredfirst.


2.Thebasic process of hiring long-term foreign teachers

TheInternational Exchanges and Cooperation Department takes care of foreignteachers’ employment that on the basis of relevant provisions and legalprovisions according from National Foreign Experts Bureau and Gansu Foreign ExpertsBureau, Foreign Affairs Office of Gansu Province, Education Department of GansuProvince, as well as Lanzhou Public Security Bureau.


Hiredforeign teachers should sign the contract with our university by year, generallystarts working from early September until the middle of July next year. Ifthere is a continue working demand of a new term contract, foreign teachers shouldgive 60-90 days in advance inform to International Exchanges and Cooperation Department;When finished the contract term and ready to leave, the Notice of Terminatingthe Employment Contract should be signed in 60-90 days before leave the post.


3. Application materials for long-term foreign teachers

3.1 Materials of first time employ for overseas foreign teachers

·Inspection and QuarantineCertificate from medical institutions which are authenticated by Chinese Embassyor Consulate and accepted by Chinese Security Bureau. (original /scan copy)

·ForeignExperts Work Permit Application Form (original copy)

·ForeignExperts Certificate Application Form (original copy)

·PassportInformation Page (scan copy)

·Two-inchcolor photo (digital version)

·Resume, includingeducation background, working experience (Chinese and English version, scancopy/Word, PDF version)

·Thehighest academic degree or professional qualification certificate (scan copy)

·Recommendation letterfrom current or former working positions (original /scan copy)

·The employmentagreement or contract with our University (original /scan copy)

·No CriminalConviction Commitment Form (original /scan copy)

3.2 Materials of foreign teachers who plan to continue contract

·Inspection and QuarantineCertificate from medical institutions which are authenticated by Gansu InspectionandQuarantineBureau (original copy)

·ValidForeignExperts Certificate (original copy)

·Passport withvalid Resident Permit page (original copy)

·Two-inchcolor photo (2 pieces of photo and digital version)

·New Contract forcontinuing employment (original copy)

·Person accidentinjury insurance policy consistent with renewed contract year (original /scancopy)

·NoCriminal Conviction Commitment Form (original copy)

3.3 Materials of foreign teachers who are employed from another workingposition/place in China

·Inspection and QuarantineCertificate from medical institutions which are authenticated by Gansu InspectionandQuarantineBureau (original copy)

·Valid ForeignExperts Certificate (original copy)

·Recommendation letterfrom former working place/department (original copy, Chinese and Englishversion)

·Passport withvalid Resident Permit page (original copy)

·Two-inchcolor photo (2 pieces of photo and digital version)

·Resume, includingeducation background, working experience (Chinese and English version, scancopy/Word, PDF version)

·The highestacademic degree or professional qualification certificate (original copy)

·The employmentagreement or contract with our University (original copy)

·Person accidentinjury insurance policy consistent with renewed contract year (original /scancopy)

·NoCriminal Conviction Commitment Form (original copy)


. Theemployment of sort-term foreign experts


1. Qualificationrequirements for sort-term exchange foreign experts

Theplanned invited short-term academic exchange of foreign experts should have academicqualification such as the title of associate professor or above, PhD degree, orwho have rich experience in specific teaching area with academic impact.


Short-termexchangeforeign experts’ education background or working areas should be related tomain specialized courses in our university such as: Statistics, Accounting,Auditing, Taxation, Finance, Economics, International Economics and Trade, Economicand Business Management, English Linguistics, TESOL and Business Media.


Short-termexchange foreign experts will sign the “Agreement of Short-term ExchangeForeign Experts in Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics” with therepresentative from LUFE. Short-term exchange foreign experts’ (as party B) visitingand exchange period should not less than 15 days and more than 60 days(included). Party B shall observe LUFE’s (as party A) work system and shallaccept Party A’s arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regardto his work. Without Party A’s consent, Party B shall not render serviceelsewhere or hold any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.


2.Themain process of invitingshort-term exchange foreign experts


Thereare two exchange periods: May-June, Sep.-Nov., in each academic year. 1-2experts during each exchange period are planned to be invited.


Therelated materials for inviting short-term exchange foreign experts arebased on the requirement according to Gansu Foreign Experts Bureau’s rules. Theinvited short-termexchange foreign experts should take invitation letter for foreign experts(original copy), Inspection and Quarantine Certificate from medicalinstitutions which are authenticated by Chinese Embassy or Consulate and acceptedby Chinese Security Bureau (original /scan copy) to apply for “F” visa (lessthan 90 days) from Visa Department of Chinese Embassy.


3.Materials of invited short-term exchange foreign experts

·Inspection and QuarantineCertificate from medical institutions which are authenticated by Chinese Embassyor Consulate and accepted by Chinese Security Bureau. (original /scan copy)

·InvitationApplication Form for Foreign Experts (original copy)

·Agreement of Short-termExchange Foreign Experts in Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics andinvitation letter from the LUFE (original /scan copy)

·PassportInformation page and visa page (scan copy)

·Two-inchcolor photo (digital version)

·Resume, includingeducation background, working experience (Chinese and English version, scancopy/Word, PDF version)

·The highestacademic degree or professional qualification certificate (scan copy)

